Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff)

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>Israeli military enlists robotic soldier

Posted by xenolovegood on May 1, 2008


Israel’s newest soldier can see at night, never nods off on sentry duty and can carry 660 pounds without complaining.

The Guardium, an unmanned ground vehicle commissioned by the Israeli military and shown to The Associated Press on Monday, is essentially a robotic soldier, among the first in the world to be operational. It can replace human soldiers in dangerous roles, cutting casualty rates.

Like the pilotless drones that have become a mainstay of air forces in Israel, the U.S. and elsewhere, the four-wheeled Guardium is operated from a command room that can be far from the front line. It can be mounted with cameras, night-vision equipment and sensors, as well as more lethal tools like machine guns. – msnbc

One Response to “>Israeli military enlists robotic soldier”

  1. >How many billions of US funds went into that one?

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