Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff)

The blog of the real Xenophilius Lovegood, a slightly mad scientist

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Posted by xenolovegood on April 30, 2011

There are over 10,600 posts here and over 8,000 comments.

Indented text surrounded by a dotted line is a quoted excerpt. A link to the full article or source is included.  Be sure to bookmark xenophilia.com in case this blog goes away mysteriously some day.

Posted in Blog | Leave a Comment »

WordPress.com may shut your blog down with no explanation

Posted by xenolovegood on April 30, 2011

If things look screwy (double posts, “>” symbols all over the place, etc.) it is because I’ve had a crummy day, staying up until 4 AM  trying to salvage my blog’s 10,000+ posts after an unexplained blog suspension which I believe to be an error.

As far as I can tell, the suspension of my several year old blog with millions of hits ( Xenophilius.wordpress.com ) is a repeat of a mistake WordPress.com made four months ago. I had no explanation in December of 2010. They just said it was a mistake and restored it.

Today, starting this morning, I’ve tried every channel available to contact support and have had no reply. So I decided all I can do is start this new blog.

Do you know how angry it makes me to have someone trash with the push of a button, something I spent years making? On a scale of one to five thousand, it’s a five thousand.

Why a scale of five thousand? Because I feel a responsibility to you, one of the 5,000 or so viewers per day who (used to) visit my blog.  That’s close to 2 million views per year!

I hope the good people at WordPress.com are just too busy (like perhaps a storm blew the roof off of their command center and half of the staff was swallowed by a tornado) and shutting down my blog is just another mistake.  Time will tell.

Posted in Blog | Leave a Comment »

Not again. WordPress.com disabled my blog this morning. April 29, 2011

Posted by xenolovegood on April 29, 2011

Dear Automattic,

Come on you WordPress.com people, this is getting annoying. I do not believe I am in violation of any of your terms of service. Could you please set up a policy where you send an email to the blog owner before you disable a blog?

This happened before Friday, December 10, 2010. My blog was restored and I was told it was an error, but not what caused the error.

Could you please send long term WordPress.com blog owners an email BEFORE you disable our blogs?

Was there really a complaint this time, or is this just another technical error? If there is any complaint, please allow me to fix the problem so I can continue blogging.



Posted in Blog | 2 Comments »

>Rosie Vela

Posted by xenolovegood on April 23, 2011

>Today I got curious about the female singer who is singing with Jeff Lynne in ELO. It turned out to be quite  a story. Roseanne “Rosie” Vela, born in the coastal city of Galveston, Texas,  stayed with her boyfriend Jimmy Roberts, and married him in the hospital before he died of cancer. He sang her a song he wrote on the last night before he slipped into a coma and died. One story says he died in her arms.

Following that tragedy, she landed a modeling job and appeared on the cover of Vogue 14 times before she decided to focus on her music (and a bit of acting).

Her story gives the lyrics to the ELO song “Turn to Stone” (released October 1977)  new meaning.

“Through all I sit here and I wait I TURN TO STONE I TURN TO STONE
You will return again some day TO MY BLUE WORLD”

I had no idea that one of my favorite bands of all times included a red-headed supermodel with heart of gold.

In my band Xenophilia, I had many fun years performing with the super hot and talented Amy Anne, who I’m sure could have been a model if she was so inclined. I believe I took this photo of Amy Anne myself.  I think she’d give Rosie a run for her money, so to speak.  😉

Getting an early start on my 2012 New Year’s Resolutions: After I finish writing and recording my 100 original songs in 2011 — I resolve to find my supermodel musician girlfriend, get a fantastic band together, book a bunch of shows, entertain people and enjoy many years of fun!

I like what Rosie said about playing music until you are 100 years old. Yes, I’d like that.

Who can say how long any of us have, really, but I believe in this dream. It feels like what I am supposed to do.  Do you know the feeling?

This is why I’ve never married.  I’m in love with someone I haven’t met yet. I saw her once in a dream. She was at a party on some steps, wearing an over-sized white men’s dress shirt.  I’ll know her when I see her, or when I hear her sing.

The tragedy–and the comedy–is that I’m one of the most stubborn and idealistic people you’ll ever meet and if I can’t have what I envision, I will just wait and wait. I’ll search forever, passing up so many good things. I already have. Wish me luck.

Posted in - Video, Blog, Love, Music | 2 Comments »

>Xeno’s Daily Strange News Awards Blog

Posted by xenolovegood on February 28, 2011

>Welcome. There are about 10,000 posts here and  7,600 comments. Note: Content in a dotted line box is a quoted excerpt. Click the link to view the entire original article. Click « Previous Entries or browse the calendar.

Posted in Blog | Leave a Comment »

>Xeno’s Daily Strange News Awards Blog

Posted by xenolovegood on February 28, 2011

>Welcome. There are about 10,000 posts here and  7,600 comments. Note: Content in a dotted line box is a quoted excerpt. Click the link to view the entire original article. Click « Previous Entries or browse the calendar.

Posted in Blog | Leave a Comment »

>Birthdays today: Elvis, david bowie, xeno

Posted by xenolovegood on January 8, 2011

>Happy birthday to us! Anyone else out there have a birthday
today? I’ll be back and blogging Monday.

Posted in Blog, Music, Standard | Leave a Comment »

>Birthdays today: Elvis, david bowie, xeno

Posted by xenolovegood on January 8, 2011

>Happy birthday to us! Anyone else out there have a birthday
today? I’ll be back and blogging Monday.

Posted in Blog, Music | Leave a Comment »

>Xenophilia named in a possible future defamation lawsuit

Posted by xenolovegood on August 20, 2010

>This blog has been named as a defendant in a draft of a complaint that may become a lawsuit in the future. I was contacted by email yesterday by the firm of Stevenson & Smith in Ogden UT. I have been asked to reveal contact information and IP addresses for specific comments and to remove defamatory comments regarding my post here. I do have to comply with the WordPress.com terms of service which prevents defamatory remarks.

I wrote to people at the addresses used when making the comments. One person replied, but that person had posted a different (critical but not defamatory) comment.

After I had no response from several different email addresses all of which come from the same IP address (seems like an iPhone), I’ve decided to remove the posts.

 Debbie C        2010/03/18 at 7:17 pm
Anne Waldon    2010/03/29 at 9:11 pm
DWE            2010/04/13 at 8:23 pm
EddieBauer     2010/04/16 at 8:38 pm
Eduard         2010/05/05 at 9:03 pm
KNC            2010/05/05 at 9:06 pm
MarkS          2010/05/31 at 6:02 pm
Candy          2010/06/22 at 11:30 pm
CandyJS        2010/06/24 at 10:26 pm.

For other people’s future education with regard to defamation claims, WordPress.com points to the EFF web site which has the following guidelines.

The elements that must be proved to establish defamation are:

  1. a publication to one other than the person defamed;
  2. a false statement of fact;
  3. that is understood as

    • a. being of and concerning the plaintiff; and
    • b. tending to harm the reputation of plaintiff.

  4. If the plaintiff is a public figure, he or she must also prove actual malice.

What was missing in the case of the comments on my blog was any evidence to show that the supposed fact was factual.

So it does seem like a valid defamation case. I’ve removed those comments (possibly from one person pretending to be multiple people) which claimed as fact that James Smith was having an affair, let the lawyers know, and have copied the WordPress Help department so they are in the loop.

I do not intend at this time to release the IP address unless compelled by law. Would I go to jail to avoid releasing it? Possibly. I still regard your privacy on this blog as something I will fight to preserve.

From now on, I’ll have to be sure that people who post potentially defamatory remarks are also posting their evidence that the facts they post are factual?  Even the “factual” defense may be falling away if there is malice according to a past post I just found on my own blog.

Google faced this kind of lawsuit and lost. Google has had to reveal the IP of anonymous bloggers. See this and this. If Google caved, I think the owners of WordPress–Automattic, Inc.–would too. I think they have the same records I do regarding this blog, but I can’t be certain.

Posted in Blog, Politics, Religion | Leave a Comment »

>CSS hack for "monochrome" theme… what changes will make this theme wider?

Posted by xenolovegood on July 29, 2010


Theme Name:monochrome
Theme URI:
Description:This theme supports widget, threaded-comments, theme-options,and translation is ready. Also including page-navigation and multi level dropdown menu.
Author URI:http://www.mono-lab.net
Tags: black, white, three-columns, fixed-width, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, rtl-language-support, sticky-post

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