Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff)

The blog of the real Xenophilius Lovegood, a slightly mad scientist

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WordPress.com may shut your blog down with no explanation

Posted by xenolovegood on April 30, 2011

If things look screwy (double posts, “>” symbols all over the place, etc.) it is because I’ve had a crummy day, staying up until 4 AM  trying to salvage my blog’s 10,000+ posts after an unexplained blog suspension which I believe to be an error.

As far as I can tell, the suspension of my several year old blog with millions of hits ( Xenophilius.wordpress.com ) is a repeat of a mistake WordPress.com made four months ago. I had no explanation in December of 2010. They just said it was a mistake and restored it.

Today, starting this morning, I’ve tried every channel available to contact support and have had no reply. So I decided all I can do is start this new blog.

Do you know how angry it makes me to have someone trash with the push of a button, something I spent years making? On a scale of one to five thousand, it’s a five thousand.

Why a scale of five thousand? Because I feel a responsibility to you, one of the 5,000 or so viewers per day who (used to) visit my blog.  That’s close to 2 million views per year!

I hope the good people at WordPress.com are just too busy (like perhaps a storm blew the roof off of their command center and half of the staff was swallowed by a tornado) and shutting down my blog is just another mistake.  Time will tell.

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