Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff)

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>Daughter fails GED, Dad Jailed

Posted by xenolovegood on May 11, 2008


Brian Gegner is in jail for 180 days for failing to keep an eye on his daughter’s education. The problem is his daughter is 18 and has passed all except the math portion of the GED which she has failed several times. The order stems from 2 years ago.

When the original truancy happened, Brian Gegner had custody of his daughter even though she was living with her mother. Brittany and her mother both say they should be the ones to go to jail if anyone had to. “It’s ridiculously wrong,” said Brittany.

The court says that even though Brittany is now an adult the order can be upheld since she was a juvenile at the time. Gegner is also facing the possibility of losing his job, which he has had for 15 years, over this situation. –shortnews

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