Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff)

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Archive for May 12th, 2008

>How deep can tunnel boring machines go?

Posted by xenolovegood on May 12, 2008

>For some reason I always wonder if earthquakes are caused by some man made activity, such as secret weapons testing. The quake in China was 6 miles down. How far  down can tunnel boring machines dig?

From Dr Bill Deagle’s December 2006 Granada Forum Lecture:

I took care of John Fialla, who was best friends with Phil Schneider. How many people know about Phil Schneider? Well, they were using tunneling machines back in the mid-90s that could tunnel through a rock face at seven miles per day, that could cut through a rock face with high-energy impact lasers that could blow the nano-sized particles of rock so that there was no debris left, forming an obsidian-like core, and laying an inner core for unidirectional maglev trains that travel at Mach 2 to 2.8 underground between these very very powerful and organized cities.

There’s 132 under the United States, an average of 5.36 to 7.24 cubic miles in size at an average of 1.5 to 4.5 miles underground, built, by and large, most of them in areas away from geotectonic areas – but there’s going to be lots of new geotectonic faults established when you have force 11, 12, 13, 14 earthquakes hit the Earth.

Why are they rushing to do this? Because they know that catastrophe is coming. And where’s this money coming from? It’s not coming from our regular Black Op budget. It’s coming from the illegal sale of drugs. In the United States there’s at least, by conservative estimates, a quarter of a trillion to a half a trillion of illegal drugs just sold in the United States that goes directly into underground budgets, and 90-95% goes to the DUMBs [Deep Underground Military Bases].

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>China Hit by 7.9-Magnitude Quake; More Than 8,700 Die

Posted by xenolovegood on May 12, 2008


China was hit by a magnitude-7.9 earthquake, the nation’s strongest in 58 years, killing more than 8,700 people. The temblor in Sichuan province shook buildings in Beijing, more than 1,500 kilometers (930 miles) away.

The quake struck at 2:28 p.m., 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) deep and 90 kilometers west-northwest of the central city of Chengdu, followed by aftershocks including a magnitude-6 quake 15 minutes later, the U.S. Geological Survey said. Chengdu, home to 11 million people, is the capital of Sichuan, site of 40 percent of China’s gas deposits and its largest panda reserve.

“The epicenter of today’s quake was shallow, which means it released more destructive energy,” Zhang Guomin, a researcher at the China Seismology Bureau, told the state-run Xinhua News Agency. “We have to guard against mudslides and collapsing buildings.”

The death toll in the province is at least 8,700, Xinhua said, with as many as 5,000 killed and 10,000 injured in one county, Beichuan. Rescuers recovered at least 50 bodies from the debris of a high school in the city of Dujiangyan, about 100 kilometers from the epicenter, Xinhua said. As many as 900 students were buried in the rubble.

China allocated 200 million yuan ($28.6 million) for disaster relief, Xinhua said.

Older Buildings

The death toll may rise, Deng Changwen, a spokesman for the Sichuan provincial seismological bureau, was quoted as saying by Xinhua. Rescuers battled their way to reach Wenchua County, near the epicenter, using excavators and cranes to remove debris on the roads, Xinhua reported. Four military helicopters heading to the area were forced to return because of heavy rain, the news service said.

“The rescue efforts will be focused on the older parts of the city, where there are older buildings that aren’t well reinforced,” Deng said.

The quake was originally reported as magnitude 7.8 before it was revised by the USGS today.

Five other schools collapsed in the province’s Deyang City, leaving an unknown number of students buried, Xinhua said. Four students were killed and at least 100 were injured when two schools collapsed in Liangping county of Chongqing municipality, adjacent to Sichuan. Chongqing is about 350 kilometers from the epicenter of the temblor.

Buildings in Beijing shook for more than three minutes and traffic stopped. Construction cranes ceased work, while hundreds of people were seen scrambling to get out of buildings including the China World Tower, one of the tallest structures in the Chinese capital.

Felt in Bangkok

There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage in the capital. Shaking was felt as far as Hong Kong and Bangkok in Thailand, 1,950 kilometers away.

China is to host the Olympics Games in August at more than 30 venues. The frequency of earthquakes in the Beijing area was taken into account during construction, and none of the venues was damaged, Sun Weide, deputy director for the Olympic media, told Agence France-Presse today.

The quake sparked panic in cities and towns across Sichuan and other central provinces, Xinhua said. No damage was reported at the Three Gorges Dam, the world’s largest hydroelectric dam, Xinhua said.

The quake damaged more than 2,000 China Mobile Ltd. base stations, Vice President Sha Yuejia said in an interview broadcast on state-run China Central Television.

Trading Halted

The Shanghai Stock Exchange said trading in Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Chongqing Iron & Steel Co. and 43 other listed companies based in Sichuan province and Chongqing city was suspended until they provide investors with trading updates.

The quake may help fuel increases in corn and soybeans after the disaster threatened to disrupt domestic supplies, analysts said.

“The earthquake in China is going to cause major disruption in transportation,” which could boost demand for U.S. grain and meat imports, said Roy Huckabay, an executive vice president for the Linn Group in Chicago. “Chinese soybean prices soared overnight,” a sign of increased demand for available supplies, Huckabay said.

Chinese carriers including China Eastern Airlines Corp. halted flights to some cities hit by the quake.

Pleas for Calm

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who described the earthquake as a “disaster,” called for calm, according to state media, while President Hu Jintao issued an order for an immediate response from government agencies, according to Xinhua.

Today’s earthquake was the world’s strongest since a 7.9- magnitude temblor struck Indonesia in September, according to the USGS. It was the biggest to hit China since a magnitude-8.6 quake struck Tibet in 1950, killing 1,526 people. China’s deadliest disaster was a 7.5-magnitude quake that killed 250,000 people in northeastern China’s Tangshan in 1976.

The USGS defines an earthquake of magnitude 7 or more as “major,” and one above 8 as “great.”

There are 17 quakes measuring 7 to 7.9 annually worldwide on average, USGS said on its Web site, with five occurring so far this year. On average, there is one temblor annually measuring 8 or more.

“I extend my condolences to those injured and to the families of the victims of today’s earthquake in China’s Sichuan province,” U.S. President George W. Bush said in a statement issued by the White House. “I am particularly saddened by the number of students and children affected by this tragedy. The thoughts and prayers of the American people are with the Chinese people, especially those directly affected. The United States stands ready to help in any way possible.”

Skyscrapers Evacuated

Hundreds of employees were evacuated from skyscrapers in the Lujiazui district of Shanghai, the city’s financial center, where the stock exchange and banks including Citigroup Inc. and HSBC Holdings Plc have offices. No damage was reported.

Sichuan produced about 22 percent of the nation’s natural gas output in 2006, according to China National Petroleum Corp. and BP Plc’s annual energy report. – bl

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>A ‘Speed Racer’ time warp

Posted by xenolovegood on May 12, 2008


Speed Racer, from the makers of The Matrix, opens this weekend. Here is something interesting about the set design.

Some of the home sets in the new film “Speed Racer” are as wild as the action on the racetrack. “We were trying to make the film quite timeless, retro and midcentury, but set sometime in the future,” says Owen Paterson, the production designer, who had worked with writers-directors Andy and Larry Wachowski on their groundbreaking “Matrix” trilogy. One of the challenges was making all the vibrant colors gel. Here, set decorator Peter Walpole used a purplish upholstery that works surprisingly well with the blue linoleum floors and orange accents. –lat

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>Mile long, 3000 MPH UFO near Bush Ranch

Posted by xenolovegood on May 12, 2008

> Vodpod videos no longer available. from ufovid.abovetopsecre posted with vodpod

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>UFO Near Bush Ranch

Posted by xenolovegood on May 12, 2008


Angelia Joiner, in her capacity as a staff writer for the Stephenville Empire-Tribune, was the principal reporter covering the sightings in and around Stephenville, Texas in January of 2008. Due to the proximity to the President Bush’s Crawford, TX home (70 miles) and the presence of F-16 fighters these sighting events received international attention. Subsequently, Angelia appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live and continues to do many interviews across the nation. The Mutual UFO Network Texas branch recognized her recently as the organization’s “lead investigative reporter.” Angelia recently left the Empire Tribune and joined Mandatory FM radio station in Stephenville as News Director. Mandatory FM is a growing music station featuring Texas artists and the only local station with a streaming online listening audience. But now it is also “Stephenville’s Official UFO Information Station.” Angelia’s morning news broadcasts are Monday through Friday at 98.5 FM, 107.9 FM and at mandatoryfm.com. In 2007, Angelia earned two second place awards from the West Texas Press Association for feature writing and special coverage. She earned a Bachelor of Science and graduated Magna Cum Laude from Tarleton State University in 1998 with an interdisciplinary teaching certification. She is a native of Stephenville, Texas. During her off hours, Angelia can be found at home writing for StephenvilleLights.com (the official site for updates on the Texas sightings)…

Jerky video at first, UFO on January 8th 2008 near Bush ranch.

Vodpod videos no longer available. from ufovid.abovetopsecre posted with vodpod

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>UFO seems to be under intelligent control in Mexico.

Posted by xenolovegood on May 12, 2008

> Vodpod videos no longer available. from ufovid.abovetopsecre posted with vodpod

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>UFO Video in SF

Posted by xenolovegood on May 12, 2008

> Vodpod videos no longer available. from ufovid.abovetopsecre posted with vodpod

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>Obama Says He Has ‘Now Been In 57 States‘

Posted by xenolovegood on May 12, 2008


“Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it.” –abts

There are the 48 states plus Alaska and Hawaii, of course, but Obama may be referring to his plans to add seven more. Candidates: Puerto Rico,  District of Columbia, United States Virgin Islands, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa,  Palau, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, splitting California into North and South… or Iraq.

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>FBI raids its own offices in fake computer hardware sting

Posted by xenolovegood on May 12, 2008


AN investigation into the sale of counterfeit Chinese computer components to the US Government recovered about 3500 bogus devices worth up to $US3.5 million ($3.7 million), the FBI has said.

The criminal probe, code-named Operation Cisco Raider, came amid concerns that counterfeit network components could enable hackers to access secure government databases, according to sources with knowledge of the investigation.

The operation involved 15 investigations at nine FBI field offices and the execution of 39 search warrants, the bureau said.

One official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the components discovered were not believed to have made government computer systems more vulnerable.

Components included pirated versions of Cisco Systems routers as well as switches, interface converters and wide area network interface cards.

Some counterfeit products also went to defence contractors and other private-sector buyers. There was no word of arrests. One official said the probe had been concluded.

The existence of the operation came to light after an FBI slide presentation on the operation’s findings appeared on intelligence and conspiracy theory website Above Top Secret. The FBI made the presentation on January 11 to another government agency.

“This unclassified briefing was never intended for broad distribution or posting to the internet,” said James Finch, assistant director of the FBI’s Cyber Division.

FBI slides posted to the website showed cases in Massachusetts, Ohio, Missouri, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado and California.

The presentation depicted counterfeit components moving from companies inside China to the US Government through distributors in the US, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands and Britain. Other components were purchased through the internet auctioneer eBay or with government credit cards from non-government vendors.

Some counterfeit routers sold for as little as $US234 each, compared with a retail price of $US1375 for the genuine article, according to the presentation. In one case, a subcontractor shipped counterfeit components to the US Navy from a supplier in China.

ABC News reported that authorities around the world, including in the US, Canada and China, have made more than 400 seizures with an estimated value of $US76 million. In one instance, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police seized 1600 counterfeit Cisco computer parts. –news.au

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