Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff)

The blog of the real Xenophilius Lovegood, a slightly mad scientist

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>Story of a very little man, not much bigger than a Coke bottle.

Posted by xenolovegood on May 18, 2008

>Right after I wrote this, I went to the supermarket and as I was walking out I happened to be behind this man of short stature. One more coincidence. My life is full of them. No, really. You don’t understand.

I post this picture not to make any point about dwarfism or this particular person, other than, for me, having never seen this person before, he represented an unusual coincidence since I had been wondering about the story of the Coke Bottle man an hour before.

So, here is the story I’d blogged about an hour before: An email by T. Peter Park from Jan 2005 puts the Coke Bottle man even at 1876 and also 1976.

Little Tonnlie Barefoot was playing in a cornfield near his home
on October 12, 1876, when he saw a little man "not much bigger than a
Coke bottle," wearing a black "German-type hat," a white tie, a blue top
and trousers, and black boots. He reached for something in his pocket,
froze, squeaked like a mouse, and ran off through the cornstalks,
leaving behind footprints 2 1/4 long by 1 inch wide with bootmarks. Two
weeks later, Shirley Ann McCrimmon, coming home from a party just before
daybreak on October 25, saw a little man with light-brown skin, wearing
boots and a thin garment. He shone a tiny bright yellow light in her
eyes, and ran away when she screamed. Dogs also barked at him.
Footprints were again found, in hard ground, but none in the soft ground
where he had stood, and in the cornfield the footprints ended abruptly.

A 2003 story by David Hinson puts the date at 1976.

Dunn, North Carolina (1976) Tonnlie Barefoot was eight years old. He was playing in a cornfield on October 12 and saw a little man looking at him. He wore a blue shiny shirt with a white tie, blue pants, and black boots. He also had a black “German-type hat.” He quickly fled, but Tonnlie found footprints which he showed to his mother. Fred Bost, managing editor of a local newspaper, examined them. He insisted that they were from tiny boots; he could see cleat marks. They were just over two inches long and an inch wide at their widest part.

On October 25, Shirley Ann McCrimmon, 28 years old, saw a little man. He appeared nude, or perhaps wearing thin clothes. In any case, he also wore boots and left footprints. In each case, the location of the prints did not make sense. They were found in rather hard ground and ended abruptly, although there was adjacent softer ground that should have easily taken footprints. – geocities

Here is one with a reference to the authors:

Of Johnston County, North Carolina, Jim Brandon writes: “There is undoubtedly a presence of some kind around here. It has manifested in the form of monsters, mini-sters, bridge trolls, and even phantom reenactments in the skies of the 1865 battle of Bentonville.” [2]

Janet and Colin Bord elaborate on Brandon’s “mini-ster”: “It was also a young boy, eight-year-old Tonnlie Barefoot, who first saw the tiny entity of Dunn, North Carolina (USA), when he was playing in a field of dried cornstalks near his home on 12 October 1976. He saw the little man ‘not much bigger than a Coke bottle,’ dressed in black boots, blue trousers, and a blue shiny top, with a black ‘German-type hat’ with a pretty white tie. He seemed to be reaching for something in his back pocket, then froze, squeaked like a mouse, and ran off fast through the cornstalks. He left some footprints 2 1/4 inches long and 1 inch wide with boot marks in them. On 25 October, twenty-year-old Shirley Ann McCrimmon also saw a little man, as she came home from a party just before daybreak. He wore boots and a thin garment, and his skin was light brown. He shone a tiny bright yellow light across her eyes, and ran away when she screamed. The dogs also barked at him.” [3]

This story is from Bord, Janet and Colin. Unexplained Mysteries of the 20th Century. (Chicago: Contemporary Books, Inc., 1989), pp. 155-157.

3 Responses to “>Story of a very little man, not much bigger than a Coke bottle.”

  1. Joey said

    >Think you might like my pictures that I've taken of mutated lobster and crabs.You can check it out here-http://goodmorninggloucester.wordpress.com/2008/02/23/check-out-my-slide-show-3/

  2. Ann said

    >Excellent! Absolutely superb! Xeno. Thank you!!!!

  3. Ann said

    >Hey, Xeno, Speaking of little people . . . Janet Bord also wrote "Fairies: Real Encounters With Little People" Here's a puzzle I tried like the devil to find information on, but to no avail. It's about a photo of a supposed witch and little people, fairies. The caption under the photo at the site below says "A photograph of the Little People in Cornwall, England showing a member of a group of witches involved in obtaining the picture." http://www.lavendise.com/photos.htm

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