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Archive for June, 2008

>Bush rejects US intelligence agency findings, uses $400 million to attack Iran?

Posted by xenolovegood on June 30, 2008

>Why should Bush listen to his own experts? He should just trust his manly hunches about who has nookular weapons.

The Bush administration has significantly increased covert military operations inside Iran aimed at destabilising the country’s government, according to a US report published yesterday.

The report, in the New Yorker magazine, quotes military, intelligence and congressional sources as saying that CIA and special forces operations were ordered by George Bush in a “presidential finding” in the past few months. It said Bush sought – and congressional leaders from both parties approved – $400m (£200m) for the secret war, which includes abductions and assassinations.

According to the report’s author, Seymour Hersh, the operations inside Iran have been under way since last year but have recently been “significantly expanded”. … There have been reports from Iran of assassinations of military officers, which Tehran has sometimes blamed on US and British operations. Both the US and Britain insist they are focused on diplomatic means to convince the Iranian government to suspend uranium enrichment and reprocessing.

a US intelligence estimate published late last year concluding that Iran had closed down its weaponisation programme in 2003

There has been persistent speculation that the Bush White House is considering air strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities before it leaves office next January.

Over the weekend, the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, told a Tehran newspaper that Iran would retaliate against any US or Israeli attack on its nuclear installations by targeting the global oil supply. – guardianUK

Or, perhaps Bush is not really planning to attack Iran at all and there is something else going on…

Oil Rises to Record on Concern Iran Supplies May Be Disrupted

Crude oil rose to a record above $143 a barrel on speculation the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program may disrupt supply from OPEC’s second-largest producer.

Soooooooo, Bush isn’t really planning to attack Iran; this is just a giant scam to run up the price of Congress members’ oil stock portfolios!!!!!!! – wrh

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>Anthrax settlement doesn’t address reporters’ issue or solve case

Posted by xenolovegood on June 30, 2008

>How much is the settlement? Some say $5.85 million, but there are several other figures out there too. There seems to be a confusion curse on the entire anthrax case. Based on the timing and the people targeted the anthrax attacks seemed to be an act of political terrorism intended to help get the Patriot Act passed.

The U.S. government will pay $4.6 million to settle a lawsuit brought by Steven Hatfill, a former U.S. Army biodefense researcher who was intensively investigated as a “person of interest” in the deadly anthrax letters of 2001, the Justice Department announced Friday.

The settlement, consisting of $2.825 million in cash and an annuity worth $1.8 million that will pay Hatfill $150,000 a year for 20 years, brings to an end a five-year legal battle.

Hatfill, who worked at the army’s laboratory at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, in the late 1990s, was the subject of a flood of news media coverage beginning in mid-2002, after television cameras showed FBI agents in biohazard suits searching his apartment near the army base. John Ashcroft, then the attorney general, later called him a “person of interest” in the case on national television.

In a news conference in August 2002, Hatfill tearfully denied that he had anything to do with the anthrax letters and said irresponsible news media coverage based on government leaks had destroyed his reputation.

Hatfill’s lawsuit, filed in 2003, accused FBI agents and Justice Department officials involved in the criminal investigation of the anthrax mailings of leaking information about him to the news media in violation of the Privacy Act. In order to prove their case, his lawyers took depositions from key FBI investigators, senior officials and a number of reporters who had covered the investigation.

Mark Grannis, a lawyer for Hatfill, said his client was pleased with the settlement.

“The good news is that we still live in a country where a guy who’s been horribly abused can go to a judge and say, ‘I need your help,’ and maybe it takes a while, but he gets justice,” Grannis said. … The settlement, Grannis said, “means that Steven Hatfill is finally an ex-person of interest.”…

Nearly seven years after the toxic letters were mailed, killing five people and sickening at least 17 others, the case has not been solved.

An FBI spokesman, Jason Pack, said the anthrax investigation, “is one of the largest and most complex investigations ever conducted by law enforcement.”

“Solving this case is a top priority for the FBI and for the family members of the victims who were killed,” Pack said. “Our commitment is undiminished.” – iht

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>The little known negro space program

Posted by xenolovegood on June 30, 2008

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WARNING: Strong language. A well made mocumentary.  I ask you, would this video be offensive to some people? Would some see it as racist humor? This is obviously a parody based on the Tuskegee Airmen.

Remembered for their valor and bravery, 72 of the nation’s first African-American fighter pilots were recognized during the Sixth Annual Tuskegee Airmen Convocation on Feb. 23. The convocation, which was held at 11 a.m., in the General Daniel “ Chappie ” James Center for Aerospace Science and Health Education, recognized the Tuskegee Airmen’s exemplary combat performance during World War II and their important contribution to Tuskegee ’s distinctive educational mission. –tuskegee

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>Lightning blasts a hole in airliner as bad luck strikes again

Posted by xenolovegood on June 30, 2008


PEOPLE who believe bad things come in threes may have second thoughts about flying with Lan Chile after the airline suffered a second rare accident on its Sydney-Santiago run.

The airline made international headlines last year when flaming pieces of a re-entering satellite came within five nautical miles (9.2km) of an Airbus A340 travelling from Santiago to Auckland and Sydney.

And last week, lightning punched a hole in the nose of a Lan Chile Airbus carrying almost 300 people as it approached Auckland from Sydney. A New Zealand report quoted a witness as saying the strike caused a hole “the size of a dinner plate”, although the plane landed safely.

The plane was among four aircraft struck by lightning last Wednesday as New Zealand was hammered by almost 15,000 strikes in 24 hours. –theaus

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>Sixteen hurt at French army show

Posted by xenolovegood on June 30, 2008


Sixteen people including four children were wounded after a soldier fired live ammunition during a military show in the southern French town of Carcassonne, a local official said on Sunday. The accident occurred during a combat demonstration by the Third Marine Parachute regiment in which a soldier used live ammunition instead of blanks … – reuters

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>Wanted Trailer

Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008

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Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008

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>How to Run a Car on Water: The Truth About Genepax’s Hydrogen Car

Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008

>Is there some oil company conspiracy to keep water powered cars off of the streets? I once saw this as a possibility, now I think not. If a cost efficient water powered car could be made, it would change the world, but “cost efficiency” must be judged including the total cost of production. This is the key, not conspiracy.

There are no scientific laws that say you can’t run a car on water. In fact, a Japanese company is the latest to claim they have pulled it off. See the video here:

Water-fuel car unveiled in Japan

However, what you can’t do is run a car on water without energy inputs greater than you get from splitting the water. … There is a way to mask the energy input, and that is what the Japanese company is doing. I had to do a bit of research, but I finally found this:

Genepax unveils water energy fuel cell system

Within the story is the key to what’s going on:

Though the company did not reveal any more detail the company president said that they had “succeeded in adopting a well-known process to produce hydrogen from water to the MEA”, similar to the mechanism that produces hydrogen by a reaction of metal hydride and water.

…So, if you had NaH in your car, and you dripped water on it, you would produce hydrogen from the water. What’s the catch? Metal hydrides that react with water don’t occur naturally, because they would have already reacted. This is the same reason hydrogen doesn’t occur naturally on earth. So, it takes energy inputs to make the metal hydrides. And there is the hidden energy source in the water car. … (Note that they may not be using metal hydrides; there are other compounds that react with water to liberate hydrogen. Again, none occur naturally on earth, and all require significant energy inputs to produce). –inteldaily

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>British Intelligence Says China is Preparing for Nuclear War

Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008


Defense analysts for the British intelligence service MI6 believe China is preparing for the “eventuality of a nuclear war.” The conclusion follows evidence that Beijing has built secretly a major naval base deep inside caverns which even sophisticated satellites cannot penetrate, says a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

In an unusual development, the analysts have provided details to the specialist defense periodical, Jane’s Intelligence Review, which published satellite images of the base location which is hidden beneath millions of tons of rock on the South China Sea island of Hainan.

The MI6 analysts have confirmed the submarine base hewn out of the rock will contain up to 20 of the latest C94 Jin-Class submarines, each capable of firing anti-satellite missiles and nuclear tipped rockets.

Knocking out the satellites would leave Taiwan, Japan and other countries around the Pacific Rim effectively without a key warning system. An attack also would disrupt vital communications between U.S. battle squadrons in the region and Washington.

Satellite images studied by GCHQ, Britain’s spy in the sky intelligence gathering organization based at Cheltenham that works closely with the U.S. National Security Agency, have confirmed the entrance to the base is through no fewer than 11 separate tunnel openings. – dgovt

This ties in with this other story I remember being in the news years ago:

The Hainan Island incident was the April 1, 2001, collision between a United States Navy EP-3E signals reconnaissance aircraft and a People’s Liberation Army Navy J-8IIM fighter jet that resulted in an international incident between the United States and China. The EP-3, assigned to Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron One (VQ-1) had been operating about 70 miles (110 km) away from the Chinese island of Hainan, when the craft was intercepted by two J-8IIM fighters. A collision resulted between the wing of the EP-3 and one of the J-8s, which caused the death of the J-8’s pilot, Wang Wei, while the EP-3 was forced to make an emergency landing on Hainan.

But don’t all countries with military forces prepare for nuclear war?

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>Scientists create beating heart

Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008


Medical research is apparently progressing quite nicely according to this video which depicts a heart that has been created from stem cells, it claims that any organ can be made from stem cells and in the future that means nobody will need to use ant-rejection medicine to keep their transplant healthy, because using their own stem cells to grow these organs will make it a “perfect” match. –darkgovt

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