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Archive for June 6th, 2008

>A cool little drum robot

Posted by xenolovegood on June 6, 2008

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>Clinton, Obama meet privately in Washington

Posted by xenolovegood on June 6, 2008


Hillary Rodham Clinton met late Thursday with Barack Obama, a day after saying she would end her quest for the Democratic nomination and endorse the Illinois senator.

“Senator Clinton and Senator Obama met tonight and had a productive discussion about the important work that needs to be done to succeed in November,” their campaigns said in joint statement.

The statement included no details of their talks, as pressure mounted for Obama to invite Clinton to become his running mate.

Robert Gibbs, an Obama spokesman, would not say where the former rivals met, except that it was not at Clinton’s home in Washington, as had been widely reported. Reporters traveling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair might when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane.

Asked at the time about the Illinois senator’s whereabouts, Gibbs smiled and declined to comment. Clinton returned to Washington after the after the last primaries on Tuesday night, when Obama earned the 2,118 delegates he needed to secure the Democratic nomination. She planned to announce Saturday that she was ending her campaign and supporting Obama.

Clinton disavows VP pressure
The meeting followed Clinton’s disavowal hours earlier of efforts by some supporters who have urged Obama to choose her as his running mate. The push-back came a day after the former first lady said she would end her quest for the Democratic nomination and endorse the Illinois senator.

“She is not seeking the vice presidency, and no one speaks for her but her,” communications director Howard Wolfson said. “The choice here is Senator Obama’s and his alone.”

Clinton was planning an event in Washington Saturday to thank supporters and urge them to back Obama’s candidacy. But as she was bowing out of the race, supporters in Congress and elsewhere were ramping up a campaign to pressure him to put her on the ticket in the No. 2 spot.

Bob Johnson, the billionaire founder of Black Entertainment Television and a Clinton supporter, sent a letter to the Congressional Black Caucus Wednesday urging the group to encourage Obama to choose Clinton as his vice presidential pick. He said he was doing so with her blessing. Obama is seeking to become the first black president. Clinton has told other friends and supporters she would be willing to be Obama’s running mate. But her immediate task is bringing her own presidential bid to a close.

High stakes
In an e-mail to supporters, the New York senator said she “will be speaking on Saturday about how together we can rally the party behind Senator Obama. The stakes are too high and the task before us too important to do otherwise.”

Clinton expressed the same sentiment in a conference call with 40 members of her national finance committee, whom she urged to begin raising money for Obama and for the Democratic National Committee.

“She was in good spirits and totally supportive, without qualification, of Senator Obama and his campaign,” finance co-chairman Alan Patricof said of the call.

It was a shift in tone by the former first lady, who announced 17 months ago that she was “in it to win it.” Many of her supporters want her as the vice presidential candidate, in their minds a “dream ticket” that would bring Obama her enthusiastic legions and broaden his appeal to white and working-class voters.

But Obama indicated he intends to take his time making a decision.

“We’re not going to be rushed into it. I don’t think Senator Clinton expects a quick decision and I don’t even know that she’s necessarily interested in that,” Obama told NBC in an interview. – msnbc

Oh come on, you KNOW she is interested. She’d be the first female Vice President of the United States of America, after all… until something bad happens to Obama, then she’d be President.

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>Police: Woman Set Fires Over Gas Prices

Posted by xenolovegood on June 6, 2008


A Danville woman faces arson charges after police say she set fires at two gas stations and a Starbucks outlet in a protest over high gas prices.

Diane Craig, 64, was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of premeditated arson and burglary.Police said Craig used a fireplace log and a lighter to set fires in the restrooms of an Arco station, a Chevron station and a Starbucks. No structural damage was reported at the locations. Police later found Craig at a nearby fast food restaurant with eight fireplace logs with her. She told officers that she was behind the fires and said she woke up that morning wanting to do something about high gas prices.Police said they don’t know why Craig targeted the Starbucks. – kcra

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>BREAKING: New Video Footage of Moon Landing! (Video Contest)

Posted by xenolovegood on June 6, 2008

>I’m really sorry for posting this … but I couldn’t stop laughing.
Warning: Strong Language.

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>Moon Landing: Apollo 17

Posted by xenolovegood on June 6, 2008

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>Moon Landing Hoax – Wires Footage – InfoDebug.com

Posted by xenolovegood on June 6, 2008

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>Astronauts on moon surface (2x speed)

Posted by xenolovegood on June 6, 2008

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>Earth-rise Oct 31, 07 first HDTV images from lunar orbit.

Posted by xenolovegood on June 6, 2008

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>50 Years of NASA’s Home Movies

Posted by xenolovegood on June 6, 2008


ABOUT midway through “When We Left Earth,” a sweeping new video history of the American space program, the former NASA flight director Eugene F. Kranz looks into the camera with an intensity that is almost frightening.

“The power of space was to raise our aspirations to those things that are possible,” he says, “if we will commit.”

He punches each of those last four words, so it comes out “If. We. Will. Commit!”

Those four words lay out the underlying argument of the six hours of a NASA documentary that goes far beyond recounting history, and which begins on Sunday at 9 p.m., Eastern and Pacific times, on the Discovery Channel.

Mr. Kranz is not just making a statement. He’s asking a question — will we commit? — and issuing a challenge: Well?

Mr. Kranz, who was the famous flight director on the nearly tragic Apollo 13 mission — Ed Harris played him in the 1995 movie “Apollo 13” — has still got the flattop. He’s still wearing a flashy vest, just like the ones he wore for missions stretching from the initial Mercury program to today’s space shuttle. But he’s decades older than that kid in the pictures from the early days.

So is the space program.

The future is 50 years old.

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>Gates Accepts Air Force Resignations

Posted by xenolovegood on June 6, 2008

>See: This.
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Defense Secretary Robert Gates ousted the Air Force’s top military and civilian leaders Thursday, holding them to account in a historic Pentagon shake-up after embarrassing nuclear mix-ups.Gates announced at a news conference that he had accepted the resignations of Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Michael Moseley and Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne — a highly unusual double firing.Gates said his decision was based mainly on the damning conclusions of an internal report on the mistaken shipment to Taiwan of four Air Force electrical fuses for ballistic missile warheads. And he linked the underlying causes of that slip-up to another startling incident: the flight last August of a B-52 bomber that was mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles.

See my earlier posts where a writer who formerly worked for US Intelligence claims Cheney was attempting to create a separate chain of command with control of the nukes to use in the Middle East. Six people involved at the military base where the nukes were “lost” died within 7 days of each other in accidents, supposedly.

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