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Archive for June 29th, 2008

>Wanted Trailer

Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008

> Vodpod videos no longer available.

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Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008

> Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about "JAPANESE WATER POWERED CAR!!", posted with vodpod

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>How to Run a Car on Water: The Truth About Genepax’s Hydrogen Car

Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008

>Is there some oil company conspiracy to keep water powered cars off of the streets? I once saw this as a possibility, now I think not. If a cost efficient water powered car could be made, it would change the world, but “cost efficiency” must be judged including the total cost of production. This is the key, not conspiracy.

There are no scientific laws that say you can’t run a car on water. In fact, a Japanese company is the latest to claim they have pulled it off. See the video here:

Water-fuel car unveiled in Japan

However, what you can’t do is run a car on water without energy inputs greater than you get from splitting the water. … There is a way to mask the energy input, and that is what the Japanese company is doing. I had to do a bit of research, but I finally found this:

Genepax unveils water energy fuel cell system

Within the story is the key to what’s going on:

Though the company did not reveal any more detail the company president said that they had “succeeded in adopting a well-known process to produce hydrogen from water to the MEA”, similar to the mechanism that produces hydrogen by a reaction of metal hydride and water.

…So, if you had NaH in your car, and you dripped water on it, you would produce hydrogen from the water. What’s the catch? Metal hydrides that react with water don’t occur naturally, because they would have already reacted. This is the same reason hydrogen doesn’t occur naturally on earth. So, it takes energy inputs to make the metal hydrides. And there is the hidden energy source in the water car. … (Note that they may not be using metal hydrides; there are other compounds that react with water to liberate hydrogen. Again, none occur naturally on earth, and all require significant energy inputs to produce). –inteldaily

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>British Intelligence Says China is Preparing for Nuclear War

Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008


Defense analysts for the British intelligence service MI6 believe China is preparing for the “eventuality of a nuclear war.” The conclusion follows evidence that Beijing has built secretly a major naval base deep inside caverns which even sophisticated satellites cannot penetrate, says a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

In an unusual development, the analysts have provided details to the specialist defense periodical, Jane’s Intelligence Review, which published satellite images of the base location which is hidden beneath millions of tons of rock on the South China Sea island of Hainan.

The MI6 analysts have confirmed the submarine base hewn out of the rock will contain up to 20 of the latest C94 Jin-Class submarines, each capable of firing anti-satellite missiles and nuclear tipped rockets.

Knocking out the satellites would leave Taiwan, Japan and other countries around the Pacific Rim effectively without a key warning system. An attack also would disrupt vital communications between U.S. battle squadrons in the region and Washington.

Satellite images studied by GCHQ, Britain’s spy in the sky intelligence gathering organization based at Cheltenham that works closely with the U.S. National Security Agency, have confirmed the entrance to the base is through no fewer than 11 separate tunnel openings. – dgovt

This ties in with this other story I remember being in the news years ago:

The Hainan Island incident was the April 1, 2001, collision between a United States Navy EP-3E signals reconnaissance aircraft and a People’s Liberation Army Navy J-8IIM fighter jet that resulted in an international incident between the United States and China. The EP-3, assigned to Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron One (VQ-1) had been operating about 70 miles (110 km) away from the Chinese island of Hainan, when the craft was intercepted by two J-8IIM fighters. A collision resulted between the wing of the EP-3 and one of the J-8s, which caused the death of the J-8’s pilot, Wang Wei, while the EP-3 was forced to make an emergency landing on Hainan.

But don’t all countries with military forces prepare for nuclear war?

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>Scientists create beating heart

Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008


Medical research is apparently progressing quite nicely according to this video which depicts a heart that has been created from stem cells, it claims that any organ can be made from stem cells and in the future that means nobody will need to use ant-rejection medicine to keep their transplant healthy, because using their own stem cells to grow these organs will make it a “perfect” match. –darkgovt

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>Police: FEMA Inspector Assaults Flood Zone Resident

Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008

>Years before 9/11, I read that FEMA is a secret government, that it runs secret underground bases, that presidential executive orders will permit it to take over the US in the event of a major emergency. I’ve seen freaky reports of empty FEMA prison camps in perhaps every state and ominous white transporter train cars… but so far, FEMA just helps people, or tries to. Perhaps FEMA’s true power is understood only by some of its members? Or perhaps the conspiracy stuff is paranoid nonsense. In either case, this was an unusual story:

According to police a contracted FEMA housing inspector nearly hit a Penford Products employee with his car and then got out of the car slamming the man with a golf club. FEMA housing inspector Vincent Koley, 74, was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon after the 11:30 a.m. incident, the Cedar Rapids Police Department reported.

Koley stopped the car and jumped out, police said. Tom Kramer told him to slow down and that he was in the cross walk. Koley replied that “he didn’t have to slow down, he was with FEMA,” police said. The two argued for a minute, and when Kramer turned to walk away, Koley took a golf club out of his car and struck Kramer across the arm, breaking the golf club.

Koley got back into his car, but numerous Penford employees observed the incident and surrounded the car so Koley couldn’t leave, police said. Koley then began to nudge his car forward, forcing Kramer, who was in front of the car, onto the car’s hood.

Koley was booked into the Jones County Jail. He is an employee of Alltech, Inc., a Herndon, Va., housing inspection company contracted with FEMA. Alltech has provided housing inspection services in emergency or disaster areas to FEMA since 1995, according to the firm’s Web site. – wtam

“Rather than have an army of housing inspectors on the government payroll year-round, FEMA pays two private companies to train and hire inspectors: Alltech Inc. of Herndon, Va.; and Partnership for Response and Recovery, or PaRR Inspections, of Fairfax, Va.” [1]

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>Truck Full Of Extinguishers Catches Fire

Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008


A truck full of fire extinguishers and other safety equipment caught fire in Lancaster Township Wednesday afternoon. The Lancaster Township Fire Department was called to 1405 Wabank Road for a vehicle fire at 4:19 p.m. … The fire was determined to be accidental. It was caused by the overheating of a block heater plugged into the truck, according to Lancaster Township Fire Department Chief Ron Comfort, Jr. and the truck’s owner, Jeff Lefever. – ffnews

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>Teen boy decapitated by batman roller coaster

Posted by xenolovegood on June 29, 2008

>The story says the teen, who was at the park with his parents as part of a church group, jumped a fence to get a hat, so he was obviously not riding the coaster, but was struck by it. Sad.

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