Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff)

The blog of the real Xenophilius Lovegood, a slightly mad scientist

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Archive for February 20th, 2011

>Unrest as people of other countries attempt to follow Egypt’s example

Posted by xenolovegood on February 20, 2011


Don’t think for a minute that every world leader isn’t nervous right now. The ripple effect could cause change all over the planet. Revolution is in the air.  Too many people need food and jobs, too few people have most of the money and power.

In a sign of the growing U.S. concern about the Middle East, Adm. Michael G. Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, began a weeklong trip to the region Sunday for talks with U.S. allies, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait.

Capt. John Kirby, his spokesman, said in a statement that Mullen would be meeting with military and civilian officials throughout the region.

Mullen, the top-ranking U.S. military officer, “will be interested to gain the perspectives of leaders here about the protests movements” and will “make clear his desire to see peaceful protests be allowed to continue without any threats or violence from any quarter.” … – latimes

Mullen is smart enough to know that the way to retain control of a population after a certain point is to make them believe they have been given what they want.  People want to see someone step down, but if done right, these countries could become like the US where we have vote fraud and rigged elections that fool the majority of people into believing they are in control.

We got rid of Bush, but look at the result … Obama’s campaign promises I cared about the most have not been fulfilled: Guantanamo is still open, and we are still at war with Iraq. The war and the housing bubble (criminal activity by banks) is why our country is going broke.

To control the people, you first control the media. Propagandize the smaller brains into believing they need and want what you want.  Tell people, for example, that we must spend billions fighting “terrorists” when auto accidents are far more deadly. Meanwhile, it is the passable margin of support of the war by fearful gullible citizens and the lack of effective outrage at the bailouts are why Americans all losing their jobs.

Unemployment is reaching 10% nationwide in the US in 2011.

And the number of people in prison is increasing as desperation spreads.

… figures provided by US states show that 1.7 million people will be behind bars in 2011, a 13 percent increase that is three times the growth rate of the US population, the study said… – rawstory.com

I’m playing an iPhone game right now called iMobster and to advance in the mob, you have to do all kinds of crimes, starting with shoplifting, mugging, breaking and entering, and moving up to prison breaks and infiltrating other mobs.  The game  makes you juggle your resources to achieve goals. What can you do with what you have to get to the next level? What protection do you have? What do you have in the bank? Do you have a vehicle?

It isn’t just the Middle East: Unrest is hitting Libya, Iran, Yemen, Morocco, Oman, Kuwait, Algeria and Djibouti over the weekend. People are taking to the streets demanding political and economic change, but our time will come.

I know several people with no car who can’t get a job because they don’t have a car and they can’t get a car because they have no job. I bought a car for one person in this situation.

Our system is broken.

Posted in Politics, War | Leave a Comment »

>Unknown Hero "Pixel Man" Wrestles with Armed Robber in street

Posted by xenolovegood on February 20, 2011


Man tries to stop robber escapingA “have a go hero” who wrestled with an armed thief fleeing the scene of a failed jewellery robbery is being sought by police.

Two men, one armed with a handgun, burst into Harvey Daly jewellers in Long Causeway in Peterborough on Friday morning.

A passer-by tried to stop one of the thieves from getting away.

Detectives said they “need to find him” as they search for the robbers and are appealing for him to come forward.

Pictures of the incident were taken by a passing local photographer.

One of the men was described as white, 6ft (1.8m), in his 20s, with a shaved head.

He was wearing blue jeans and a dark jacket with a grey stripe across the chest.

The second was described as white, aged 20 to 25, wearing a dark blue jacket, blue jeans with the bottoms turned up and black shoes. He had short, dark hair.

Anyone with any information is asked to contact police. …

via BBC News – Man wrestles with gunman in Peterborough street.

Almost quite a catch, but still, a draw, with both lucky to have escaped.

What is extra weird about this is that it looks like the same guy. Perhaps he came back in time to try to stop himself from committing the crime, but got there too late.  He knew he was alive in the future, so he reasoned that his past self would not shoot his future self. He was right.

Posted in Crime, Strange | Leave a Comment »

>How ‘OK’ took over the world thanks to the 8th US president

Posted by xenolovegood on February 20, 2011


Martin Van BurenAllan Metcalf – “OK” is one of the most frequently used and recognised words in the world. It is also one of the oddest expressions ever invented. But this oddity may in large measure account for its popularity.

It’s odd-looking. It’s a word that looks and sounds like an abbreviation, an acronym. We generally spell it OK – the spelling okay is relatively recent, and still relatively rare – and we pronounce it not “ock” but by sounding the names of the letters O and K. …

On 23 March 1839, OK was introduced to the world on the second page of the Boston Morning Post, in the midst of a long paragraph, as “o.k. (all correct)”.

How this weak joke survived at all, instead of vanishing like its counterparts, is a matter of lucky coincidence involving the American presidential election of 1840.

One candidate was nicknamed Old Kinderhook, and there was a false tale that a previous American president couldn’t spell properly and thus would approve documents with an “OK”, thinking it was the abbreviation for “all correct”.

Within a decade, people began actually marking OK on documents and using OK on the telegraph to signal that all was well. So OK had found its niche, being easy to say or write and also distinctive enough to be clear.

via BBC News – How ‘OK’ took over the world.

Martin Van Buren (December 5, 1782 – July 24, 1862) was the eighthPresident of the United States, serving from 1837 to 1841. Before his presidency, he was the eighthVice President (1833–1837) and the 10th Secretary of State under Andrew Jackson (1829–1831). He was a key organizer of the Democratic Party, a dominant figure in the Second Party System, and the first president not of British descent—his family was Dutch.

… Van Buren’s unsuccessful reelection campaign in 1840 is regarded by etymologists as instrumental in the popularization of the word “OK“. In the context of the campaign, the initialism was used as a nickname for Van Buren and stood for “Old Kinderhook,” which was a reference to Van Buren’s birthplace.

via Wikipedia

Kinderhook is a town in the northern part of Columbia County, New York, United States.

According to Woodford Heflin writing for American Speech in 1962:

“… the argument ran that the ‘all correct’ meaning begain when the Whigs fabricated a story to discredit the Democrats before they (the Whigs) actually knew what the Democrats meant by the expression. According to this Whig story, Andrew Jackson, the Democratic hero, was illiterate and he used the expression O.K. for Oll Korrect, which they said was his way of spelling “all correct”. This story, although not necessarily told to be believed, had the effect, so the argument went, of supplying a meaning for the mysterious letters O.K. which the Democrats had not yet explained, although they were busy using the letters in headlines and shouting them in the streets…. “

The history is interesting. The Democrats, it seems, were keeping the ‘Old Kinderhook’ meaning secret, their own private code because this was attracting attention and arousing political interest. When the Whigs came forth with the story about Jackson, the Democrats were irked and boldly adopted the ‘all correct’ meaning to undo the damage by the Whigs.

First there was the Democratic Republican Party.

One faction of the party supported Andrew Jackson and it evolved into the Democratic Party. Another faction, led by John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay, was known as the National Republicans; it evolved into the Whig Party.

via Wikipedia

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>Vatican’s space mission

Posted by xenolovegood on February 20, 2011


Nasa image of Andromeda galaxy“If the Big Bang was the start of everything, what came before it?”

That is one of the questions being posed by a new website being set up by the Vatican and Italy’s scientific community.

After centuries of mistrust between religion and science, the intention is to give the public a greater understanding of both sides.

The website, which will be available in Italian and English, has information on everything from astronomy to theology, from space missions to philosophy and art.

It will have three portals – one for a general audience, one for students and their professors, and one for scholars.

Within each portal, there will be a variety of multimedia platforms, including a cosmology section, and one that will have the latest data collected by satellites and unmanned probes.

The venture is being run jointly by the Vatican and the Italian Space Agency, ASI. …

He says: “From the Church’s point of view, this is about getting religious people to see that scientists are not the enemy and getting scientists to see that religious people are not the enemy.

“The aim is for both sides to come together for the good of humanity.” …

the Vatican’s senior astronomer has gone on record as saying intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space, and that alien life does not contradict Church doctrine.

That is why the Vatican is now supporting the new website, with its mixture of hard data and philosophical interpretation.

It is about uniting to overcome the divide between fact and faith – what is explicable and what is not.

The strength of Christian beliefs and the rigour of scientific endeavour make this a unique tool, with the message that when it comes to our origins, proof and trust can exist together.

via BBC News – Vatican’s space mission.

Sounds nice, but at the heart of this, you have some people who are wrong trying to get in on some of the “being right” action without giving up being wrong. Let’s have 1 + 1 = 3 holding hands and singing songs with 1+1 = 2.  See, we can all get along!

If time did not exist before the big bang(s), then nothing came “before” the big bang(s) because there was no time. Existing outside of time is hard for us to imagine, but that doesn’t make it impossible.

This is a great question, but it is completely absurd to leap from “I don’t know” to “Must be god, then” … unless you just accept that “God” is the Christian word for “I don’t know.”

Posted in Religion, Space | Leave a Comment »

>US National Christmas Tree blown down by heavy winds

Posted by xenolovegood on February 20, 2011


The US "National Christmas Tree" lies toppled, 19 FebruaryHeavy winds have blown down the National Christmas Tree of the US, which had stood near the White House since 1978.

Within hours of its fall, the 42ft (13m) Colorado blue spruce was ground into mulch.

Plans are being drawn up by the National Park Service for a replacement, expected to be in place this spring.

The national tree is a tradition going back to 1923.

Nobody was injured in Saturday’s incident.

“We’re glad that it took place at a time when people were away from the tree and we are saddened that it has happened,” said National Park Service spokesman Bill Line.

President Calvin Coolidge lit up the first tree and its successor which fell on Saturday was inaugurated when Jimmy Carter was in office.

The White House Christmas tree, by contrast, is harvested each year and erected inside the building. …

via BBC News – US National Christmas Tree blown down by heavy winds.

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>Negative experiences can stop painkillers working + Surgery with only hypnosis

Posted by xenolovegood on February 20, 2011


Pain killersA patient’s belief that a drug will not work can become a self fulfilling prophecy, according to researchers.

They showed the benefits of painkillers could be boosted or completely wiped out by manipulating expectations.

The study, published in Science Translational Medicine, also identifies the regions of the brain which are affected.

Experts said this could have important consequences for patient care and for testing new drugs.

Heat was applied to the legs of 22 patients, who were asked to report the level of pain on a scale of one to 100. They were also attached to an intravenous drip so drugs could be administered secretly.

The initial average pain rating was 66. Patients were then given a potent painkiller, remifentanil, without their knowledge and the pain score went down to 55.

They were then told they were being given a painkiller and the score went down to 39.

Then, without changing the dose, the patients were then told the painkiller had been withdrawn and to expect pain, and the score went up to 64.

So even though the patients were being given remifentanil, they were reporting the same level of pain as when they were getting no drugs at all. …

via BBC News – Negative experiences can stop painkillers working.

Some people can have teeth removed with only self hypnosis.


HypnotismDentist Bhavin Bhatt pulls Leslie Mason’s teeth without aneasthetic as hypnotist John Ridlington offers moral support

Brave Leslie Mason used mind over molar to have his teeth removed without anaesthetic – using only hypnosis as a painkiller.

The father-of-seven needed two rotten teeth and their roots removed in a procedure which normally requires a general anaesthetic in hospital.

But he couldn’t afford the £400 cost of private treatment so offered to be a guinea pig for a new experimental type of hypnosis.

Mr Mason remained conscious with his eyes open throughout the two-hour procedure – and felt nothing more than ‘a bit of a sting’.

The 54-year-old said: ‘It was incredible. There is no worse pain than that inflicted by dentists but I didn’t feel any.

‘The dentist had to dig away at the rotten roots that were right up into my jaw. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t have done under hypnosis now. It’s incredible.’ …

The operation was performed by Dr Bhavin Bhatt, who runs the Smile and Wellbeing dental practice in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire.

He said: ‘The hypnosis was 100 per cent effective. We’re now exploring the possibility of offering tooth transplants under hypnosis.’

Studies have shown that using hypnosis instead of anaesthetic can reduce recovery time after surgery.

It also removes the chance of possible side-effects from anaesthesia.

But the technique’s long association with stage acts has kept it at the margins of mainstream medicine.

Hypnoanaesthesia, where the patient enters a deep trance state and is told he will feel no pain, has been used to help burn victims manage their agony and ease fears over surgery and childbirth.

The British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis said that even heart operations had been carried out under hypnosis.

In April, hypnotherapist Alex Lenkei had an 83-minute operation without anaesthetic on his arm to treat osteoarthritis.

Afterwards, he revealed he had been aware of his surgeon making a four-inch incision into his wrist and chiselling the bone to remove a tendon.

He added: ‘I heard everything he was saying to his assistants and anaesthetist but there was no gossip. It was a shame  –  I was hoping to hear something juicy.’

Read more: dailymail

Alex LenkeiVANESSA ALLEN – A hypnotherapist had an 83-minute operation on his arm with no anaesthetic. At one point, Alex Lenkei even heard the surgeon say: “Can I have the saw, please?” Because he had put himself into a hypnotic trance, however, he said he felt no pain as the doctors chiselled out a walnut- sized chunk of bone from his wrist.

Mr Lenkei, 61, had the operation to treat his painful osteoarthritis. He said: “The results have been amazing. I feel ace.” The hypnotherapist amazed doctors by asking how things were going halfway through the surgery, at Worthing Hospital in West Sussex on Wednesday. He said he could hear his surgeon talking as he made a four-inch-long cut into his right wrist and chiselled the bone to move a tendon.

The married father-of-one, who lives in the town, said: “It took me about 30 seconds to put myself under and I wasn’t aware of any part of my body apart from my arm. “I could feel the surgeon pulling and manipulating me – then I heard the cracking of bones.

“I heard him say, ‘Can I have the saw please?’ and imagined him holding this great big thing in his hand. But fortunately he then said ‘I think we’ll use the smaller one.'” “He used a hammer and chisel at one stage and I could hear him hammering away at the bone. …

However, it works only on those susceptible to the technique.

Mr Lenkei has taught students at the Royal College of Nursing how to induce hypnoanaesthesia and said he would consider undergoing further operations without anaesthetic.

Read more: dailymail

Thirty seconds!? It is amazing to me that the doctors would go ahead with the surgery


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>Negative experiences can stop painkillers working + Surgery with only hypnosis

Posted by xenolovegood on February 20, 2011


Pain killersA patient’s belief that a drug will not work can become a self fulfilling prophecy, according to researchers.

They showed the benefits of painkillers could be boosted or completely wiped out by manipulating expectations.

The study, published in Science Translational Medicine, also identifies the regions of the brain which are affected.

Experts said this could have important consequences for patient care and for testing new drugs.

Heat was applied to the legs of 22 patients, who were asked to report the level of pain on a scale of one to 100. They were also attached to an intravenous drip so drugs could be administered secretly.

The initial average pain rating was 66. Patients were then given a potent painkiller, remifentanil, without their knowledge and the pain score went down to 55.

They were then told they were being given a painkiller and the score went down to 39.

Then, without changing the dose, the patients were then told the painkiller had been withdrawn and to expect pain, and the score went up to 64.

So even though the patients were being given remifentanil, they were reporting the same level of pain as when they were getting no drugs at all. …

via BBC News – Negative experiences can stop painkillers working.

Some people can have teeth removed with only self hypnosis.


HypnotismDentist Bhavin Bhatt pulls Leslie Mason’s teeth without aneasthetic as hypnotist John Ridlington offers moral support

Brave Leslie Mason used mind over molar to have his teeth removed without anaesthetic – using only hypnosis as a painkiller.

The father-of-seven needed two rotten teeth and their roots removed in a procedure which normally requires a general anaesthetic in hospital.

But he couldn’t afford the £400 cost of private treatment so offered to be a guinea pig for a new experimental type of hypnosis.

Mr Mason remained conscious with his eyes open throughout the two-hour procedure – and felt nothing more than ‘a bit of a sting’.

The 54-year-old said: ‘It was incredible. There is no worse pain than that inflicted by dentists but I didn’t feel any.

‘The dentist had to dig away at the rotten roots that were right up into my jaw. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t have done under hypnosis now. It’s incredible.’ …

The operation was performed by Dr Bhavin Bhatt, who runs the Smile and Wellbeing dental practice in Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire.

He said: ‘The hypnosis was 100 per cent effective. We’re now exploring the possibility of offering tooth transplants under hypnosis.’

Studies have shown that using hypnosis instead of anaesthetic can reduce recovery time after surgery.

It also removes the chance of possible side-effects from anaesthesia.

But the technique’s long association with stage acts has kept it at the margins of mainstream medicine.

Hypnoanaesthesia, where the patient enters a deep trance state and is told he will feel no pain, has been used to help burn victims manage their agony and ease fears over surgery and childbirth.

The British Society of Medical and Dental Hypnosis said that even heart operations had been carried out under hypnosis.

In April, hypnotherapist Alex Lenkei had an 83-minute operation without anaesthetic on his arm to treat osteoarthritis.

Afterwards, he revealed he had been aware of his surgeon making a four-inch incision into his wrist and chiselling the bone to remove a tendon.

He added: ‘I heard everything he was saying to his assistants and anaesthetist but there was no gossip. It was a shame  –  I was hoping to hear something juicy.’

Read more: dailymail

Alex LenkeiVANESSA ALLEN – A hypnotherapist had an 83-minute operation on his arm with no anaesthetic. At one point, Alex Lenkei even heard the surgeon say: “Can I have the saw, please?” Because he had put himself into a hypnotic trance, however, he said he felt no pain as the doctors chiselled out a walnut- sized chunk of bone from his wrist.

Mr Lenkei, 61, had the operation to treat his painful osteoarthritis. He said: “The results have been amazing. I feel ace.” The hypnotherapist amazed doctors by asking how things were going halfway through the surgery, at Worthing Hospital in West Sussex on Wednesday. He said he could hear his surgeon talking as he made a four-inch-long cut into his right wrist and chiselled the bone to move a tendon.

The married father-of-one, who lives in the town, said: “It took me about 30 seconds to put myself under and I wasn’t aware of any part of my body apart from my arm. “I could feel the surgeon pulling and manipulating me – then I heard the cracking of bones.

“I heard him say, ‘Can I have the saw please?’ and imagined him holding this great big thing in his hand. But fortunately he then said ‘I think we’ll use the smaller one.'” “He used a hammer and chisel at one stage and I could hear him hammering away at the bone. …

However, it works only on those susceptible to the technique.

Mr Lenkei has taught students at the Royal College of Nursing how to induce hypnoanaesthesia and said he would consider undergoing further operations without anaesthetic.

Read more: dailymail

Thirty seconds!? It is amazing to me that the doctors would go ahead with the surgery


Posted in Health, mind | Leave a Comment »

>Italian police arrests fake prince of India

Posted by xenolovegood on February 20, 2011


A man from the Balkans has been arrested in Italy after cheating people pretending he was a prince of India.

Dragan Dragutinovic (33) has parents from Croatia and from Serbia, but in Italy he ignored his roots and found it more profitable to present himself as a rich prince from India that had inherited a fortune.

It is believed his international frauds were as big as 50 million pounds, Serbian tabloid Alo has reported.

Dragan Dragutinovic was finally arrested in Milan under suspicion of a fraud involving the property business.

It is believed Dragan Dragutinovic had all together 16 different fake identities. He would take money in advance as a down payment on various deals and then would never appear to complete the business.

via Italian police arrests fake prince of India – General News – Croatian Times Online News – English Newspaper.

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>Army’s latest $4million spy drone is disguised as a hummingbird

Posted by xenolovegood on February 20, 2011


A pocket-sized spy drone disguised as a hummingbird has been unveiled by a major Pentagon contractor measuring just 16 centimetres and weighing less than an AA battery.

The mini spy plane can fly up to 11 miles an hour and took five years to develop at a cost of $4million.

Army chiefs hope to use the drone’s tiny camera to spy on enemy positions in war zones without arousing detection and eventually deploy it into both rural and urban environments.

Experts hope the drone, which can fly just by flapping its wings, compared with current models which rely on propellers, will eventually be able to swoop through open windows and perch on power lines.

The demonstration by AeroVironment – one of the world’s biggest drone suppliers – lasted eight minutes and saw the new creation fly through a door into an building and out again, and withstand winds of five miles per hour.

Todd Hylton, Hummingbird programme manager for the Pentagon’s research arm said it ‘paves the way for a new generation of aircraft with the agility and appearance of small birds.’

via Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s the army’s latest $4million spy drone disguised as a hummingbird, measuring just 16 centimetres | Mail Online.

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>How and why to keep your gallbladder

Posted by xenolovegood on February 20, 2011


Life without a Gallbladder

I recently helped a long time friend who was having a gallbladder surgery.

I learned a few things that might keep you out of the hospital.

The gall bladder stores bile made periodically by the liver and this allows you to use the bile to digest fatty foods at any time.

Gall stones are most commonly made of cholesterol when there is too much bilirubin in the bile.  You are more likely to have them if you are an older overweight women eating a diet high in fat and cholesterol and low in fiber.

If you take drugs to LOWER your cholesterol blood levels, you actually increase the amount of cholesterol secreted into bile, increasing the risk of gallstones.

So, if you want to avoid the pain and expense of surgery, cut out all that sugar, eat the right kinds of fats and fiber and exercise every day.

An apple a day really does!

Apple pectin dissolves gallstones.  In hamsters, apple pectin reduced gall stone formation by 76% and caused regression of stones by 52%. See Effect of Pectin and Cellulose on Formation and Regression of Gallstones in Hamsters, 1983 by D. Kritchevsky (pdf).


In another study, Soluble dietary fiber protects against cholesterol gallstone formation, Wayne H. Schwesinger MD,  1999 that used psyllium husk powder as the fiber, there were positive results. Psyllium may be dangerous for some people who are allergic and may cause low blood sugar levels, however.

Vegetable fats and protein

Also, in the paper Dietary predictors of symptom-associated gallstones in middle-aged women a study of over 88,000 women found “inverse associations were observed between intakes of vegetable fat and vegetable protein and the risk of reportedly symptomatic gallastones”. In other words, eat more avocados, nuts and soy beans.


According to a 2004 study titled Frequent nut consumption and decreased risk of cholecystectomy in women, “Nuts are rich in several compounds that may protect against gallstone disease” and “In women, frequent nut consumption is associated with a reduced risk of cholecystectomy.”

There is an interesting account of someone who fasted for three days on apple juice and then oils to get the stones to float up and exit without surgery. The nurse we spoke to said this won’t work if the stones are large, but didn’t deny that this could work for smaller ones.


  1. For the first five days, drink at least four glasses of apple juice every day. Freshly squeezed or packaged apple juice are both okay. Or eat four or five apples, whichever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gallstones. During the five days, eat normally.

  2. On the sixth day, take no dinner.

  3. At 6 pm, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water.

  4. At 8 pm, repeat the same. Epsom salt or magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts.

  5. At 10 pm, take half cup olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup fresh lemon juice. Mix it well and drink it. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage. See above about possible instant diarrhea during this final step to remove gallstones naturally.

  6. After this, sleep or at least lie down and rest. Do not engage in physical activity.

The next morning, you will find green stones in your stools. “Usually they float”, Dr Lai Chiu Nan notes. “You might want to count them. I have had people who passes 40, 50 or up to 100 stones. Very many”.

Even if you don’t have any symptoms of gallstones, you still might have some. It’s always good to give your gall bladder clean up now and then. …

Yes, some doctors have warned of the “dangers” of trying to cleanse gall stone naturally, without surgery. They say that, if the gallstones are too big, they might end up being stuck in the gall bladder ducts and this could be dangerous. In theory, this might happen. In practice, I have not come across such cases (but perhaps there are). So if you are afraid, don’t do it.

Does this work? Is it safe? I don’t know. Might try it…but I’m pretty healthy. I probably don’t need to. Before I try this, I’d want to read more about the possible side effects of all that magnesium sulfate.

Here is a video showing the surgical removal of a stone.

Because more stones form–and I think they form because people are unwilling to change their diet–doctors just take out the entire gall bladder. Problem solved. Except, surprise, you still have to change your diet and you will have new costs for the rest of your life. If you don’t pay attention to this, you will have

Life without a gallbladder

Roughly 20 million Americans suffer from gallstones, and 750,000 of them have their gallbladders removed each year. There are 800,000 hospitalizations $2 billion spend annually on gallbladder disease.
… For most people the pain of a malfunctioning gallbladder eventually becomes unbearable. After one or two trips to the emergency room the suggestion of surgery is met with certain approval. Unfortunately this may or may not end the pain and discomfort. The probable after-effects of gallbladder surgery are never discussed with the patient which leaves the patient with the impression that all will be well after surgery. But it doesn’t take long to realize that all is “not well” and the patient soon begins to feel very betrayed by their surgeon and doctor who did not prepare them for “life without a gallbladder.”

… The gallbladder is like a pump. Without it, the liver can’t secrete enough bile to properly digest a full meal. Many people experience symptoms such as diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, constipation, increased allergies, liver congestion, itchy skin and autoimmune diseases. Some patients suffer from dumping syndrome, in which food is “dumped” too quickly into the intestines from the stomach.

  • Diet is extremely important. Eat low-fat, high fiber, organic and healthy. Eliminate refined carbohydrates and hydrogenated oils.
  • Liver Flush – Every four months. People without gallbladders may develop stones in the liver which will lead to a sluggish liver.
  • Parasite Cleanse – Two times a year. I recommend a six-week course of Para-Buster then maintenance for 3 weeks.
  • Digestive Enzymes – Take 3-5 capsules at least 15 minutes before each meal. You will need to take enzymes for the rest of your life in order to digest the good fats (Omega 3) which are essential for good health.
  • Reduce chemical overload on the liver (pre-packaged food, personal care products, lawn products, perfumes, cosmetics, etc.)
  • Drink only filtered water – Try to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water every day.
  • Use a Probiotic – I recommend Latero-Flora or Primal Defense.
  • Reduce animal intake (meat and dairy) – When consuming animal products make sure they are free-range, organic and hormone-free.
  • Eliminate white sugar and white flour.
  • Consume a green drink or pills equal to one-two tablespoons daily. Quantum Greens is a good choice.
  • Activated Charcoal – Some people have found that this helps with symptoms as it helps to sequester bile acid.
  • Chinese Bitters (Chinese Gentian with Bupleurum) in the morning and Coptis with Bupleurum at night to stimulate bile flow.
  • Exercise daily for 30 minutes. Walking is highly suggested.

… So your gallbladder is gone…that’s the past. It’s time to move on and educate yourself in getting healthy and feeling better. Following the above suggestions will ensure that your digestive system operates to its fullest and will help to alleviate many of the side-effect from gallbladder removal. – shanti

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