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>The Dull Men’s Club: Interesting Men Need Not Apply

Posted by xenolovegood on March 9, 2011


Dull ManLarry Knowles – They have a fascination with luggage carousels and park benches. They enjoy watching paint dry and, around this time of year, sap drip. These are the members of the Dull Men’s Club, and they don’t care if they bore you.

“We’re not a 12-step program where we’re trying to change our ways,” says club president Leland Carlson, 71, of London, where the club, known as DMC, is based. “We’re a two-step program: We admit we’re dull and we’re gonna keep it that way.”

The club, which Carlson founded in New York City with a few bored — and boring — pals in the mid-’80s, has remained true to its founder’s words. It’s never grown, it’s never held an event and it’s never had a membership drive.These days, truth is, it’s pretty much just Carlson. But that’s to be expected when you try to keep something called the Dull Men’s Club afloat. We’re talking about an organization, after all, that gets excited about traffic cameras and rhubarb festivals.

It recently added the eighth International World Potato Congress to its events calendar. …

via The Dull Men’s Club: Interesting Men Need Not Apply.

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