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>Firefox 4 doubles IE9’s 24-hour download tally

Posted by xenolovegood on March 25, 2011


Firefox may be under fire from Microsoft’s newly competitive browser, but with more than twice the downloads in its first day, Firefox 4 today soared over its rival by one measurement.

Microsoft, not without reason, boasted that IE9 was downloaded 2.35 million times in the first 24 hours after its release last week. And that is indeed a big number, especially for a browser that tech enthusiasts had scoffed at for years.

But less than 24 hours after its own launch, Firefox 4 cleared 4.7 million, according to the Mozilla Glow site that logs downloads. …

Mozilla, the maker of Firefox, released the latest version of its free and open source Web browser to the public on Tuesday.

The browser boasts a number of improvements over past iterations, including a new look and feel, and increased privacy and security features. One security upgrade, “Do Not Track,” will allow “users to set a browser preference that will broadcast their desire to opt-out of third party, advertising-based tracking,” Mozilla said.

The new Firefox also promotes interactive capabilities with HTML5, a Web programming language that provides full interaction without the need of external plug-ins like Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight.

Gary Kovacs, chief executive of Mozilla, said in a recent interview that the new capabilities added to the browser will enable developers to build applications using HTML5 that are similar to downloadable applications currently used on a number of mobile devices. These so-called Web Apps include fully interactive graphics and games. Mozilla also set up a Web site, The Web O’(pen) Wonders, to showcase some advanced examples of the new browser’s rendering engine.

Mr. Kovacs said that the “millions of developers who currently build Web sites” would be given opportunities to showcase rich interactivity with the new browser, and that these features could help add some balance to the current battle between the open Web and downloadable apps that only operate on specific platforms. …

The new browser had been downloaded nearly three million times hours after it was made available online. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 9 was downloaded 2.35 million times within the first 24 hours of its availability last week.

via Mozilla Releases New Version of Firefox Browser – NYTimes.com.

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