Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff)

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>Noisy cat hits purr-fect pitch in world record bid

Posted by xenolovegood on March 30, 2011


Smokey the catA cat from Northamptonshire has made an official attempt to become the world’s loudest purrer.

Smokey made the record attempt in front of four independent witnesses at her owner Ruth Adams’ home in Northampton.

Smokey was tested by a music expert from Northampton College who found her purr reached 73 decibels – 16 times louder than the average cat.

The evidence will now be submitted to the Guinness Book of Records for verification.

Mrs Adams said: “Guinness has very strict criteria and the college has been very helpful in supplying the specialist recording equipment needed to measure Smokey’s purr and for arranging the official witnesses.

via BBC News – Noisy cat hits purr-fect pitch in world record bid.

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