Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff)

The blog of the real Xenophilius Lovegood, a slightly mad scientist

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>Free Thought Day in Old Sacramento – This Sunday, Oct 12

Posted by xenolovegood on October 10, 2008

>Free Thought Day: Come enjoy music speakers and celebrations this Sunday Oct 12 at Waterfront Park in Old Sacramento.

According to the latest I’ve heard about the line up, I, Xeno, (the real Xenophilius Lovegood) along with Keith L Jensen (the real guy on the freeway off ramp in a banana suit) will be on stage right after Lori Lipman Brown and right before Michael Newdow … which will be sometime between 2 and 3:30 PM. I’ll have some music, free CDs and perhaps some some million year old fossil teeth to give away.

Here is a diagram, kind of. There is much more going on as well.

-> Lori Lipman Brown

Lori Lipman Brown has served as a state senator, lobbyist, lawyer, educator, and social worker supporter. Additionally, her political views have been secularist and civil libertarian and describes herself as an atheist humanist Jew. She served as a Nevada Senator from 1992-1994, advocating for repeals of consensual sex crimes. This led to her being named Civil Libertarian of the Year by the Nevadan chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.  – wiki

-> Keith and Xeno here

-> Michael Newdow

(Michael Newdow) is best known for his efforts to bar public schools in the United States from leading recitations of the current version of the Pledge of Allegiance because of its inclusion of the phrase “under God”. Newdow is an atheist and an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. – wiki

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